And they did not tell them for 1-3 weeks after the water supply was contaminated it has been reported.
One of the most important in my opinion is the filtration of the shower and bath water. Read the article below to understand why. You can order one of these options or get a filter from Walmart, Amazon, etc - Just get one for you and your families health. Make sure you research how often you have to change the filter before you buy...some need to be replaced often and can become costly. Here are some choices from Amazon.
These are the ones I use....
Rainshow'r Shower Filter
Relax & enjoy a healthy shower!
Did you know that by putting your fingers for 15 seconds into an ordinary glass of municipal tap water you absorb over 80 percent of the chlorine into your body? Imagine how much chlorine you absorb in a 10 minute shower! What's more, chlorine is not only absorbed by your skin, but inhaled from the steam and spray, where it goes directly into your bloodstream.
Chlorine creates dry hair, flaky skin, accelerated aging from free radical damage, reduced oxygen transport in lungs, and destruction of vitamins in the body. If you have chlorinated water and want to be healthy, a shower filter is a must. The Rainshow'r CQ-1000 is unique for two reasons. First, it utilizes the most potent KDF filter material on the market, which changes chlorine into a harmless, biodegradable compound. This is also the only filter to include Crystalline Quartz technology, in which specially-cured crystals act upon the water to create a softer, more energized shower feeling, as well as improved lathering and sudsing. To enjoy softer hair, younger-looking skin, and angst-free showers, breathe easy again with the Rainshow'r CQ-1000! Rated for 15,000 to 20,000 gallons, it takes out 90+% of chlorine in your water, and should last a family of four about a year, depending on the condition of your water.
Includes CQ-1000 cartridge and housing (No shower head- you can use your own)
Simple to install and compatible with essentially all shower heads including the water saving Bernoulli Power Shower head as well as our Shower Pro Massage shower head.
Rainshow'r Shower Filter
033001 CQ-1000 Filter $45.25
Relax & enjoy a healthy shower!
Click here for more info or to purchase
I Love this for the bath
Crystal Ball Bath Dechlorinator/Shower Bath
Make your bath pleasurable again!
This little innovation allows you to enjoy baths without breathing or absorbing all that nasty chlorine (and up to 30% of chloramine)! Just swish it around for 5 to 8 minutes before you get in - that's all there is to it!......
Click here for more info or to purchase
This is what I use for my drinking water - very affordable and no electricity needed - Gravity Fed - and will take out Flouride.
SS Drinking Water Gravity Filter
Highly Effective, Simple to Use and Better than others like it! The SS Drinking Water Gravity Filter is an excellent choice for those looking to dramatically improve their drinking water with a highly portable, simple to use system requiring no installation......
Click here for more info or to purchase
Here are some other options for Water Filtration
Water Resource Center
And for those of you who need something to get the toxins, poisons out of your body from the contaminated water click here for what I use and recommend. I use to use ZNatural until it was no longer I use this - it will cleanse your body of chemicals and toxic metals.
and another great article
20 Reasons why you need a chemical and toxic metal cleanse
Why you need to know what is in your water..
Start Cleansing Your Body of Chemicals and Toxic Metals Today!