Did you know that by putting your fingers for 15 seconds into an ordinary glass of municipal tap water you absorb over 80 percent of the chlorine into your body? Imagine how much chlorine you absorb in a 10 minute shower or bath! What's more, chlorine is not only absorbed by your skin, but inhaled from the steam and spray, where it goes directly into your bloodstream. Introducing the NEW FLUORIDE SHOWER FILTER. So excited to finally have one that removes fluoride also. It comes with a new handheld showerhead with antimicrobial water jet technology that helps reduce and prevent the collection of unwanted microbes on your showerhead.
Vortex Water Revitalizer – Kitchen & Shower
Vortex Revitalized, Energized Water Restore the Health of Your Kitchen Water - Make it Alive and Well Again
The President's Cancer Panel (PCP) recently released its yearly report to the President outlining the status of cancer in America. This year's report focuses primarily on environmental factors that contribute to cancer risk. According to the report, pharmaceutical drugs are a serious environmental pollutant, particularly in the way they continue to contaminate waterways across the country (and the world).
REPOST FROM 2011 (Thanks Michelle for sharing this article about Fluoride Poisoning which further explains the dangers of poisoning. ) from www.Rense.com By Mary Sparrowdancer Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved 4-9-11 German and Austrian scientists knew in the early 1930s that an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) could be successfully treated by bathing patients in water containing minute amounts of fluoride. They had discovered nearly a century ago that fluoride blocked thyroid function. For the US government, long partnered with the pharmaceutical industry, to then force this same treatment on a nation of people with healthy thyroids under the lie that fluoride "prevents cavities in children," is unconscionable.
After being diagnosed with Cancer in 2007 (along with 3 dogs), with a type of cancer that is caused by the pesticides in the water and yard, I started researching what is in our water. What I read and watched was more than unbelievable... from prescription meds, chlorine, fluoride and so much more, I wanted to change everything I could to eliminate this from my family and my daily life. Our water treatment plants use chlorine, fluoride and other harmful chemicals just to name a few to clean our water for us to drink which of course if you drink tap water or take showers without filtering, you are at risk of getting these in your system. (Reposted from August 2015)
All about FLUORIDE - Why I stopped using when I was diagnosed with cancer
Below are some very enlightening videos about Fluoride and what it does in your body and your childrens ~~ it is NOT whiten their teeth and keep cavities away. You owe it to yourself to watch these videos from Dentists and others. (Repost from May 2016) After my sister told me about the contaminated water issue in Corpus Christi this week I wanted to share again the need for water filtration. This is the first time I have heard the authorities tell the public in Corpus Christi not to even TOUCH THE WATER - they could not bathe in it, shower in it or of course drink it...not even boil it. That is scary. And they did not tell them for 1-3 weeks after the water supply was contaminated it has been reported. Since I was diagnosed with Lymphoma which is caused by Pesticides coming in thru the water, I have not used the water thru the tap, shower or bath for 8 years without filtration. Never will. Below are some options for any of you who may be looking for filtering the dangerous chemicals out of all of our water. Thankfully, most of my relatives live in Louisville, KY where it was voted one of the best water supplies. You still need to filter though.
Little Peyton McCaughey, 10 yrs old, suffered brain damage after a termite fumigation in his home was done and they were told by Terminix it was SAFE to enter. He is in Miami Children's Hospital, barely able to turn his head, unable to stand up or talk.
They said the whole family began vomiting the night of Aug. 16, after a Terminix subcontractor told them it was safe to go back in their house that had been tented for termites. But while the parents and their 7-year-old daughter recovered, Peyton got worse. "He was having uncontrollable muscle movements, couldn't stand up, couldn't speak so they took him to local walk-in clinic and the doctor quickly recognized it was probably poisoning from a (fumigation) treatment," said Peyton's uncle Ed Gribben. |
January 2025
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