Allergen Support Spray Nurturing our lungs and respiratory systems is an excellent way to ensure we’re maximizing oxygen intake and breathing easy. Whether you’re under the weather and need relief, or just want natural, everyday aid to keep your lungs feeling strong and healthy, Lung Health is an excellent solution. Our formula is an organic, natural respiratory support product that uses a powerful blend of herbs and essential oils to cleanse and open your airways. Use it anytime – morning, afternoon, in the evening before bed, or when you crave a full, fresh breath of air.
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Allergen Support Spray Nurturing our lungs and respiratory systems is an excellent way to ensure we’re maximizing oxygen intake and breathing easy. Whether you’re under the weather and need relief, or just want natural, everyday aid to keep your lungs feeling strong and healthy, Lung Health is an excellent solution. Our formula is an organic, natural respiratory support product that uses a powerful blend of herbs and essential oils to cleanse and open your airways. Use it anytime – morning, afternoon, in the evening before bed, or when you crave a full, fresh breath of air. Enzyme preparations are one of the most useful dietary supplements available for improving human health, including the health of the respiratory tract, yet they are severely underutilized. One of the most useful enzymes is serrapeptase. During the 1980s and 1990s, there was significant research conducted in Europe and Japan that indicated serrapeptase may be one of the most effective dietary enzyme supplements in promoting respiratory health - more specifically alleviating sinus and nasal congestion, throat pain, and inflammation of the airways.1 Dr. Hans Nieper, a known alternative medicine doctor and former President of the German Society of Oncology, was known for his extensive use of proteolytic enzymes and held serrapeptase’s value above all others. So much so that Dr. Nieper referred to serrapeptase as the "Miracle Enzyme."2 Read More Click Here
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The article discusses the many benefits of NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) is an antioxidant with numerous potential health benefits. It boosts glutathione levels and helps with most states of increased oxidative stress that underlie chronic health problems. Read on to uncover all its benefits. ![]() Proof Vitamin C is working on the COVID-19 Virus from Physicians and Hospitals - One of the many things you should be doing to keep this virus away if you are not FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, Mar 1, 2020 by Andrew W. Saul, Editor-in-Chief (OMNS Mar 1, 2020) First of all, the naysayers are too late. Vitamin C is already being used to prevent and treat COVID-19 in China and in Korea. And it is working. Please read this notice how Vitamin C is working and make sure you take Vitamin C- 3 times day as it does not stay in your system - Read this about the best kind to purchase and the one I take Read my Blog Post about Vitamin C below: Click link below Whats wrong with ascorbic acid Vitamin C versus Ascorbic Acid Here is a verified official statement from China's Xi'an Jiaotong University Second Hospital:
"On the afternoon of February 20, 2020, another 4 patients with severe coronavirus pneumonia recovered from the C10 West Ward of Tongji Hospital. In the past 8 patients have been discharged from hospital. . . [H]igh-dose vitamin C achieved good results in clinical applications. We believe that for patients with severe neonatal pneumonia, and for critically ill patients, vitamin C treatment should be initiated as soon as possible after admission. Numerous studies have shown that the dose of vitamin C has a lot to do with the effect of treatment. High-dose vitamin C can not only improve antiviral levels, but more importantly, can prevent and treat acute lung injury (ALI) and acute respiratory distress (ARDS)." Here is a report from Korea: "At my hospital in Daegu, South Korea, all inpatients and all staff members have been using vitamin C orally since last week. Some people this week had a mild fever, headaches and coughs, and those who had symptoms got 30,000 mg intravenous vitamin C. Some people got better after about two days, and most had symptoms go away after one injection." (Hyoungjoo Shin, M.D.) There are at least three high-dose intravenous vitamin C studies underway in China. Literally by the truckload, tons of vitamin C has been sent into Wuhan. Here is a report from a physician in China: "We need to broadcast a message worldwide very quickly: Vitamin C (small or large dose) does no harm to people and is the one of the few, if not the only, agent that has a chance to prevent us from getting, and can treat, COVID-19 infection. When can we, medical doctors and scientists, put patients' lives first?" (Richard Z. Cheng, MD, PhD, International Vitamin C China Epidemic Medical Support Team Leader) News media attacks on vitamin C are centered on false allegations of dangers with megadoses. This tactic lets the media ignore the truth that even LOW doses of vitamin C reduce symptoms and death rates. Do not let the media spin this issue. Advocates of vitamin C are medical doctors, not spin doctors. They are experienced, credentialed clinicians who have read the science, a small sample of which follows: Even small supplemental amounts of vitamin C can keep severely ill patients from dying. [Hunt C et al. Int J Vitam Nutr Res 1994;64:212-19.] Infants with viral pneumonia treated with vitamin C had reduced mortality. [Ren Shiguang et al. Hebei Medicine 1978,4:1-3] Moderate doses of vitamin C shortened ICU stay by 97% in a subgroup of 1,766 patients [Hemilä H, Chalker E. Nutrients. 2019 Mar 27;11:4.] 200 mg of vitamin C reduced duration of severe pneumonia in children. Oxygen saturation was improved in less than one day. [Khan IM et al. J Rawalpindi Med Coll (JRMC); 2014;18(1):55-57] The Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, and its editorial board of nearly four dozen physicians, academics and health professionals (listed below) feel it is necessary to report on what the advertiser-supported, corporate-controlled commercial media refuses to acknowledge: even small amounts of vitamin C dramatically decrease severity of symptoms, and increase survival rates, among severely ill viral patients. Large doses work better. Intravenous large doses work better still. OMNS has been relentlessly reporting on this for weeks: Feb 28, 2020 Vitamin C and COVID-19 Coronavirus Feb 23, 2020 TONS OF VITAMIN C TO WUHAN: China Using Vitamin C against COVID Feb 21, 2020 Three Intravenous Vitamin C Research Studies Approved for Treating COVID-19 Feb 16, 2020 Early Large Dose Intravenous Vitamin C is the Treatment of Choice for 2019-nCov Pneumonia Feb 13, 2020 Coronavirus Patients in China to be Treated with High-Dose Vitamin C Feb 10, 2020 VITAMIN C AND ITS APPLICATION TO THE TREATMENT OF nCoV CORONAVIRUS: How Vitamin C Reduces Severity and Deaths from Serious Viral Respiratory Diseases Feb 2, 2020Hospital-based Intravenous Vitamin C Treatment for Coronavirus and Related Illnesses Jan 30, 2020 Nutritional Treatment of Coronavirus Jan 26, 2020 Vitamin C Protects Against Coronavirus The greatest danger with COVID-19 coronavirus is illness progression to SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) and pneumonia. Physicians have successfully used vitamin C against viral pneumonia since the 1940s. That's the point made in a 10-minute video that was abruptly removed from YouTube, supposedly for being a violation of their "community standards": OMNS favors a community of people of all nations dedicated to immediately employing all existing, science-based measures to stop a dreaded disease for which there is no conventional cure. Vitamin C is available now. It is not new. And it is not "unproven." Vitamin C has been used as an antiviral since the 1930s. (1) It has been used in very high injected doses since the 1940s. (2) In the decades since, vitamin C has been used for influenza, SARS and viral pneumonia. (3) "Vitamin C can truthfully be designated as the antitoxic and antiviral vitamin." (Claus W. Jungeblut, M.D., Professor, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons) All OMNS releases are duly referenced to the research literature. Yet if you post what you are reading now on Facebook, it is likely to be blocked or labeled "false information." Since when is reviewing the medical literature "fake news"? It is our editorial viewpoint that withholding vitamin C treatment information from the public withholds it from the patient. We accuse the media of negligence. They can correct this any time. Until they do, we will do it for them. References(1) Jungeblut CW. Inactivation of poliomyelitis virus by crystalline vitamin C (ascorbic acid). J Exper Med 1935. 62:317-321. Jungeblut CW. Vitamin C therapy and prophylaxis in experimental poliomyelitis. J Exp Med, 1937. 65: 127-146. Jungeblut CW. Further observations on vitamin C therapy in experimental poliomyelitis. J Exper Med, 1937. 66: 459-477. Jungeblut CW, Feiner RR. Vitamin C content of monkey tissues in experimental poliomyelitis. J Exper Med, 1937. 66: 479-491. Jungeblut CW. A further contribution to vitamin C therapy in experimental poliomyelitis. J Exper Med, 1939. 70:315-332. Saul AW. Taking the cure: Claus Washington Jungeblut, M.D.: Polio pioneer; ascorbate advocate. J Orthomolecular Med, 2006. Vol 21, No 2, p 102-106. and (2) and Frederick Robert Klenner's papers are listed and summarized in Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C (ed. Lendon H. Smith, MD, Life Sciences Press, Tacoma, WA, 1988. This book is posted for free access at (3) Cathcart RF. (1981) Vitamin C, titrating to bowel tolerance, anascorbemia, and acute induced scurvy. Med Hypotheses. 7:1359-76. Cathcart RF. (1993) The third face of vitamin C. J Orthomolecular Med, 7:197-200. Free access at Additional Dr. Cathcart papers are posted at Nutritional Medicine is Orthomolecular MedicineOrthomolecular medicine uses safe, effective nutritional therapy to fight illness. For more information: Find a DoctorTo locate an orthomolecular physician near you: The peer-reviewed Orthomolecular Medicine News Service is a non-profit and non-commercial informational resource. Editorial Review Board:Ilyès Baghli, M.D. (Algeria) Ian Brighthope, MBBS, FACNEM (Australia) Prof. Gilbert Henri Crussol (Spain) Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D. (USA) Damien Downing, M.D. (United Kingdom) Michael Ellis, M.D. (Australia) Martin P. Gallagher, M.D., D.C. (USA) Michael J. Gonzalez, N.M.D., D.Sc., Ph.D. (Puerto Rico) William B. Grant, Ph.D. (USA) Tonya S. Heyman, M.D. (USA) Suzanne Humphries, M.D. (USA) Ron Hunninghake, M.D. (USA) Robert E. Jenkins, D.C. (USA) Bo H. Jonsson, M.D., Ph.D. (Sweden) Jeffrey J. Kotulski, D.O. (USA) Peter H. Lauda, M.D. (Austria) Thomas Levy, M.D., J.D. (USA) Homer Lim, M.D. (Philippines) Stuart Lindsey, Pharm.D. (USA) Victor A. Marcial-Vega, M.D. (Puerto Rico) Charles C. Mary, Jr., M.D. (USA) Mignonne Mary, M.D. (USA) Jun Matsuyama, M.D., Ph.D. (Japan) Dave McCarthy, M.D. (USA) Joseph Mercola, D.O. (USA) Jorge R. Miranda-Massari, Pharm.D. (Puerto Rico) Karin Munsterhjelm-Ahumada, M.D. (Finland) Tahar Naili, M.D. (Algeria) W. Todd Penberthy, Ph.D. (USA) Dag Viljen Poleszynski, Ph.D. (Norway) Selvam Rengasamy, MBBS, FRCOG (Malaysia) Jeffrey A. Ruterbusch, D.O. (USA) Gert E. Schuitemaker, Ph.D. (Netherlands) Hyoungjoo Shin, M.D. (South Korea) Thomas L. Taxman, M.D. (USA) Jagan Nathan Vamanan, M.D. (India) Garry Vickar, MD (USA) Ken Walker, M.D. (Canada) Anne Zauderer, D.C. (USA) Andrew W. Saul, Ph.D. (USA), Editor-In-Chief Editor, Japanese Edition: Atsuo Yanagisawa, M.D., Ph.D. (Japan) Editor, Chinese Edition: Richard Cheng, M.D., Ph.D. (USA) Robert G. Smith, Ph.D. (USA), Associate Editor Helen Saul Case, M.S. (USA), Assistant Editor Michael S. Stewart, B.Sc.C.S. (USA), Technology Editor Jason M. Saul, JD (USA), Legal Consultant Comments and media contact: [email protected] OMNS welcomes but is unable to respond to individual reader emails. Reader comments become the property of OMNS and may or may not be used for publication. This news release was sent to [email protected]. If you no longer wish to receive news releases, please reply to this message with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line or simply click on the following link: unsubscribe . To update your profile settings click here . This article may be reprinted free of charge provided 1) that there is clear attribution to the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, and 2) that both the OMNS free subscription link and also the OMNS archive link are included. Riordan Clinic | 3100 N Hillside Ave Wichita, Kansas 67219 United States Which Health Conditions Can CBD Help With? Published Studies and Reports Provided Click Here Great Reference Site Project CBD Can CBD Help Your Symptoms? Scientific research has shown that CBD may be therapeutic for many conditions. In compiling a list of conditions that CBD may help, we examined hundreds of peer-reviewed articles in scientific journals. Most of the studies included were culled from PubMed, an online service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine, and consists of abstracts on preclinical research involving single cannabinoid molecules, test tubes, petri dishes, animal experiments, and in some cases human cell-line studies. Click here CAN CBD HELP YOUR CONDITION? Click Here
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by Eric Madrid MD More dangerous than a cold is the Influenza virus, also known as The Flu. The Flu affects millions of people worldwide annually. Sometimes the flu can result in death in high-risk individuals (i.e. diabetics, those with lung disease, senior citizens and cancer patients). Death is usually the result of a secondary bacterial infection such as pneumonia, which can occur due to one’s immune system having been weakened.
Read More Click Here The common cold is the most frequent infection a person will ever encounter, and it is estimated that there are more than 220 different cold viruses that infect humans. After exposure, it normally takes one to three days for illness to start— duration of a cold is usually seven days, but in some cases, it can last several weeks. The same virus never infects the same person twice, and while there is no cure for the common cold, there are ways to prevent infection, using natural treatments. by Eric Madrid MD The flu (influenza) virus is a more dangerous virus, and its symptoms are more problematic than a common cold. Flu symptoms include fever, muscle aches, chills, cough, congestion, and whole-body pain. The flu can leave a person feeling dehydrated and weak, and the elderly are at higher risk for complications. Maintaining hydration and controlling symptoms is very important, as serious complications, including death, can occur as a result of the flu—sometimes, after a person is infected by a cold or flu virus, the immune system becomes weak, leaving them susceptible to a bacterial pneumonia infection. The influenza vaccine may be helpful in preventing flu infection.
Read More Click Here Peppermint is a fresh, stimulating oil, and when diffused, can enhance alertness and improve energy levels. Because of its menthol content, Peppermint is great for massage and can be applied to the temples and back of the neck to help with head and neck tension. Peppermint essential oil has decongestant and antihistamine properties that relieve asthma attacks. Exposure to allergens such as dust mites and pollen trigger your body to release histamines, which in turn trigger asthma attacks. Peppermint inhibits the release of histamine in your body.
How to apply: Combine 2 drops of peppermint essential oil with one drop of lemon, 8 drops of lavender, and 20 drops of carrier oil. You can use carrier oils such as sweet almond, olive or jojoba. Rub your chest using this mixture twice in a day to prevent asthma attacks. Suggested Use Dilute to 2-3% for topical applications. Other Ingredients 100% Pure Essential Oils, Peppermint Click here for More Information and to Purchase |
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