In my continuing research to keep cancer away from me and now my hubby being diagnosed with prostate cancer, wanted to share my research on something new we both are trying Organic DANDELION ROOT TEA.
One article caught my attention Root That Kills 98 Percent of Cancer Cells in 48 Hours ~~ while this has not been proven yet according to the medical fields, my research into the studies of this promising treatment can be found here.
I am pretty excited about the possibilities after ready this information. From what I have read, it is working and how I feel, it is working. We both have started drinking the tea daily and purchased 1 lb of the fine powder from my favorite vendor Starwest.
I also had Lymphoma cancer and was told I was going to die at the time...and was told Lymphoma Cancer almost always comes back in 7 yrs....well its been 8 years and I am still cancer free and I intend to live a long time with the help of my natural remedies I continue to take. If not for those, I would not be alive, along with many who helped me. I can only say that these remedies have kept me alive - I can not promise or say to you they will get rid of your cancer (per FDA regulations) it is only working for me. Read the information and make an informed decision. As always, you can call me anytime for a consultation - I don't charge anything.
Did you know? Having dandelions in your yard can be annoying, but some cultures have used these common weeds -- whose scientific name is Taraxacum officinale -- to treat everything from liver ailments to heartburn to lactation problems.
The benefits of using Dandelion Root Tea are many and below is an article written by Organic Facts and I thank you...
The health benefits of dandelion include relief from liver disorders, diabetes, urinary disorders, acne, jaundice, cancer and anemia. It also helps in maintaining bone health, skin care and is a benefit to weight loss programs. These and other health benefits are currently being studied for complete validation by a number of international institutions.