We Remember Sept 11, 2001 - Because we can NEVER FORGET.
Very few words can describe what happened on that day 15 yrs ago ~~ there are just no words. The terror and horror they and their families went thru is beyond belief. Every year I remember where I was and it still feels the same as it did that day. I can not imagine having lost anyone in that tragedy.
To honor the Heroes of 9-11, I post something every year. This year I never really knew the whole story of the Man in the "Red Bandana" til I read the new book that just came out. Great Book and what a guy he was.....True American Hero to so many 15 yrs later.
I know now what he did in has last hour of his life. I am not sure I could do the same.
He is truly one of a kind and a true hero who saved at least 12 others by going back into the towers several times until he tragically lost his life when the 2nd tower collasped. They finally were able to put him to rest when his body was found in March, 6 months later.
To have someone so young show us how to step up in a moment of crisis showed us what an incredible young man he was - He saved so many and in the end gave up his own life. He is such an inspiration to me and so many.
If you don't get the book, watch the video below - it tells alot about The Man In The Red Bandana.
New Book on the "Best Sellers" list
The Red Bandana 9-11 Hero Wells Crowther B y Tom Rinaldi
The Red Bandana A life, A Choice, A Legacy
What would you do in the last hour of your life?
The story of Welles Crowther, whose actions on 9/11 offer a lasting lesson on character, calling and courage
Available at Amazon
The Man in the Red Bandana ~ Welles Crowther | ESPN Edward Burns
Uploaded on Sep 5, 2011 (www.espn.com)
Remembering and honoring the man who led over a dozen people to safety after terrorists struck the World Trade Center on September 11th - a former Boston College lacrosse player whose trademark was a red bandana.
Boston College Pays tribute to Welles
His school, Boston College continue to honor this true hero every year. The video below tells the story of Boston College alumni, Welles Crowther, who tragically lost his life while making heroic efforts during the 9/11 terror attacks on the World Trade Center. Hear how his legacy lives on at BC though his red bandana.
The Man In The Red Bandanna | Havoline Football Saturdays
Published on Aug 3, 2015
Click Here to watch
This Mirrored Mural is on my wall in my home and has been since way before 9-11 I will never forget walking in the door after 9-11 and seeing this - it stopped me in my tracks.
We had been on vacation in Mexico when Sept 11 happened - we could not get home for 7 days due to NO airplanes to get us home. I will never forget getting on the airplane finally and on our way home - We kissed the ground when we landed.....