Testing for Vitamin D is not included in normal routine blood testings unless you request it from your doctor to be included.
Check Your Level Before You Start Downing Supplements
It's important to remember to get your vitamin D level tested before you start supplementing.
Testing for Vitamin D is not included in normal routine blood testings unless you request it from your doctor to be included.
Check Your Level Before You Start Downing Supplements
It's important to remember to get your vitamin D level tested before you start supplementing.
If you live in the northern hemisphere, which is currently heading toward winter, now is the time to check your vitamin D level and start taking action to raise it if you’re below 40 ng/mL (100 nmol/L). Experts recommend a vitamin D level between 40 and 60 ng/mL (100 to 150 nmol/L). Research shows reaching at least 40ng/ml lowers the risk of respiratory illnesses and lung infections in the elderly by 40%. Make sure you get regular, sensibly controlled sun exposure.
The reason for this is because you cannot rely on blanket dosing recommendations. The crucial factor here is your blood level, not the dose, as the dose you need is dependent on several individual factors, including your baseline blood level.
Data from GrassrootsHealth's D*Action studies suggest the optimal level for health and disease prevention is between 60 ng/mL and 80 ng/mL, while the cutoff for sufficiency appears to be around 40 ng/mL.
First, measure your vitamin D level — One of the easiest and most cost-effective ways of measuring your vitamin D level is to get tested by your doctor or thru one of the testing facilities:
Once you know what your blood level is, you can assess the dose needed to maintain or improve your level. If you cannot get enough vitamin D from the sun then you'll need an oral supplement.
Please see chart below for how to compare when you get the results back.
Retest in three to six months — Lastly, you'll need to remeasure your vitamin D level in three to six months, to evaluate how your sun exposure and/or supplement dose is working for you.
Always take the required amount of Vitamin D3 NEVER more than recomended.
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