May 2024
by Dancing Rain, Native American Medicine Woman, Practitioner
I love the month of May. As the song says “April Showers bring May flowers”. I have noticed the spring flowers popping up all over. May is also the month we celebrate Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, Graduation, and School getting out for the summer.
The Essential Oils chosen for May are some of our favorites and we have found them so beneficial for Mothers. The Oils on SALE FOR MAY at 20% off are:
LAVENDER - $21.00 SERENITY - $24.00
MARJORAM - $22.00 TUMMY RUB - $17.00
WINTERGREEN - $15.00 PEACEFUL - $18.00
LAVENDER: If you could have only one Essential Oil it should be Lavender. It is considered a Universal oil because it blends well with all oils and is beneficial for so many things such as burns, cuts, acne, stretch marks, diaper rash, eczema, hair loss, muscular aches and pains, sleep, indigestion, inflammation, and so much more.
Food cravings are often a reaction to stress. So when you’re feeling tense, temper your taste buds and relax your mind with a few drops of Lavender massaged into your temples. It balances extremes in emotions, irritability, moodiness, fear, change, insecurity, restlessness, depression, PMS, and nerves. Lavender calms emotional extremes and when angry massage the solar plexus with Lavender essential oil. It is definitely the “go-to-oil”.
MARJORAM: It is an anti-spasmodic and very beneficial for muscle cramps and pain. Assists with circulatory disorders, asthma, bronchitis, coughs, colic (be sure to dilute with carrier oil for babies), colds, constipation, and dilates the blood vessels reducing the strain on the heart. It is beneficial for insomnia, nervous tension, lowering blood pressure, menstrual problems, and a sedative. It assists in draining blood from bruises and speeds the healing process.
PEPPERMINT: One of the benefits of our Peppermint is that it is first distilled and contains all the healing properties but not the strong peppermint smell. Other peppermints are distilled from the same batch as many as five or six more times. These distillations contain mostly the strong peppermint smell and are sold as a “pure peppermint oil” where as they are only a fragrance oil.
Peppermint Oil is beneficial to use for shock, headaches, focus, inflammation, nausea, heartburn, swelling, cramps, relieve mental fatigue, hot flashes, and when mixed with a carrier oil is very beneficial to massage the head of small children to reduce fevers quickly. Use very small amounts when mixing with other oils.
TANGERINE: It supports and strengthens the immune, lymphatic, digestive, and nervous systems. It is effective in shrinking tumors when applied over the area. It reduces excess fluid, assists obesity, helps break down cellulite fat pockets, relieves cramps, gas, and belching.
Beneficial for stress, tension, anger, fear, convulsions, and grief. A chemical found in tangerine is very beneficial for rashes, acne, wounds, dandruff, dryness, stretch marks, toenail fungus, athlete’s foot, ringworm, and a good general antiseptic. Assists circulation in the extremities, and calms the nerves. Tangerine stimulates the liver, gall bladder, decongestion, asthma, coughs PMS, dizziness, anxiety, stress, tension, and is soothing.
WINTERGREEN: It comes in two basic colors, clear and pink to red. The clear oil is distilled without the flowers where as the pink to red contains the flowers. Some companies are now adding red color chemicals to Wintergreen so it is no longer a standard way of insuring a pure oil. It is beneficial for inflammation, pain relief, muscle and joint discomfort, cramps, broken or bruised bones, gout, tendentious, rheumatism, arthritis, and is high in cortisone-like functions.
It is beneficial used for poor circulation, edema, hypertension, heart disease, cellulite, obesity, eczema, hair care, psoriasis, ulcers, and headaches from liver congestion. Use on sore muscles, joints, and painful areas. Caution: Avoid prolong exposure due to toxic build up in the liver. For massage therapists we suggest using Spruce instead of Wintergreen all the time.
SERENITY: This is one to take on vacations. It does miracles when traveling with small children; put 10 drops in a 2 oz spray bottle of water, shake, and spray anywhere you need to calm things down. It promotes relaxation, is grounding, assists in reducing depression, eases anxiety, stress, and tension. It brings joy to the heart, balances and stabilizes the emotions, gives patience, and calms worries. It is known to assist hyperactive children by creating serenity in their life. It has been found beneficial when used with children that have frequent nightmares. It may assist in curing the habit of smoking.
Traditional ways of using it may be on the wrists, ears, under the nose, back of the neck, add to bath water, and dilute with massage oil to rub on the back. For insomnia apply to navel, legs, and neck. Diffuse to assist in calming active or hard to manage children or adults. Diffusing has assisted people in coming off drugs.
TUMMY RUB: This is a most welcome essential oil to have around. I have used it many times to assist those who complain of digestive issues. One man was so pleased at how quickly it worked he wouldn’t give mine back but insisted on buying it on the spot.
Tummy Rub is beneficial in digesting toxic materials, alleviating indigestion, cramps, upset stomach, vomiting, gas, belching, bloating, heartburn, colic, nervous tension, anxiety, and stress. It is beneficial for infections, inflammation, viruses, bacteria, improves circulation, tones the liver, kidneys, and spleen.
It also balances intestinal discomfort, motion sickness, jet lag, morning sickness, urinary tract infections, diarrhea, and may neutralize negative emotions. It may assist in digesting and assimilate new ideas and has been known to help alleviating parasites (also in animals) by massaging and applying a hot compress across the area. Some women have said when applied behind the ears it has alleviated morning sickness, while others have not experienced these results. For motion sickness apply over the stomach. Caution: This is considered to be a “hot”oil for children and some adults. Be ready to dilute, if necessary, by adding a carrier on to your hand and massaging it onto the area you applied the Tummy Rub.
(Another thing we learned from the Tummy Rub was when someone who is sick (and has a lower frequency) handles your oil bottles they will change the smell and frequency of the oils. To get the frequencies and proper smell back in the oils you must be in a high frequency ourself and then roll the bottle of oil between your hands for about 30 seconds. We also learned the “cobalt blue” bottles can balance the frequencies much better than the amber bottles ever did. Even now when I fly with my oil case, I have noticed a change in their smell. So, I will spend the time to roll each of them.)
GENTLE HEALER: It was formulated to assist with building and regenerating connective tissue from damage or injury. It assists with cuts, bruises, skin rashes, scrapes, and insect bites. It is a general tonic, pain reliever, beneficial for spasms viruses, bacteria, infections (especially useful against staph and strap), fungus, inflammation and parasites. It is a wonderful pain reliever.
It is beneficial for the respiratory, endocrine, immune systems, poor circulation, stimulates liver cell function, mental fatigue, and is an energy stimulant, controls mood swings, clears negative thoughts, and memories. It is uplifting, arouses ambition and drive, inspires the desire to achieve, strengthens will power, gives a sense of healing, protection and courage. It has been used to assist animals with deep flesh wounds.
SPICE TRADERS: It was formulated to strengthen the immune system and is powerful for all-around maintenance. It is beneficial against infections, viruses, bacteria, fungus, inflammation, parasites, spasms, and microbes. It is a general tonic and supports the nervous, respiratory, urinary, and circulatory systems. Spice Traders helps protect the body from the onset of malaria, flu, colds, and coughs. It assists in cooling a fever or warming chills, loosens and expels mucus, strengthens the digestive functions, and aids the liver. It supports the adrenals, increases energy, and brings balance.
Spice Traders assists with dental infections, strep, gum disease, throat infections, teething, cold sores, canker sores, pneumonia, sinusitis, bronchitis, headaches, nervous fatigue, slivers, and splinters are pulled to surface. It is calming, promotes healing, and diffusing may inhibit the spread of infections. It contains oils considered anti-plague by the spice merchants living in England in the 16th century. They used various spices to protect themselves from the plague as they looted the bodies of the sick and dying.
I like to apply about 3 drops on each foot every morning to assist in supporting my immune system. Because this contains “hot oils” always dilute for a child or someone with sensitive skin. For a child massage the diluted oil on the thymus, the feet, and under the arms to strengthen the immune system.
PEACEFUL: It was formulated to assist in bringing peace. It is cheering, uplifting, stimulating, and balancing. It is beneficial in bringing back child-like energy and signifies the inner child. It inspires harmony, increases spiritual and psychic awareness, gives confidence, feelings of acceptance, enhances visualization, and awakens creativity.
It has been found to be beneficial in healing emotional wounds, dispelling pride, poor self-esteem, fear, and bringing feelings of gratitude, and generosity. Peaceful is mentally grounding, clears thoughts, stimulates the brain, assists concentration, calms anxiety, and is relaxing assisting in reaching a state of meditation. It is refreshing, enhancing relationships, creates a sense of well-being and brings a deep inner peace. It is beneficial when applied to the ears, over the heart, temples, the back of the neck, around the ankles, and on the solar plexus. For suicidal thoughts, massage on to the outer rims of the ears, on the face next to the ear flap, over the heart, on the wrists, and in a bath.
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