This educational series goes into 5 Seed Oil Blend and its main benefit supplying oxygen to and removing toxicity from your cells. It works with your lymphatic system to restore your cell health, which, as you know, can help reverse even the most dire of health circumstances.
Another crucial benefit in Andreas’s carbon monoxide poisoning case: 5 Seed Oil Blend also helps with breathing. In fact, many 5 Seed Oil Blend customers who use portable oxygen have been able to dramatically reduce (or get off of entirely) their oxygen tank usage.
Besides these life-saving benefits, 5 Seed Oil Blend also gives you a bigger burst of energy than a cup of coffee and helps you function better on less sleep.
Here's the story shared by Life Enthusiasts:
Here's the story shared by Life Enthusiasts
Today, I want to share with you another seed oil responsible for keeping former Olympic champion Andreas Wecker alive. Except this time, we’re going to discuss a more recent health crisis Andreas fell victim to:
Carbon monoxide poisoning.
Here’s the story:
For three and a half years, Andreas lived in a house with a gas leak. He wasn’t sure at the time, but he knew something was wrong because he lost his voice and had trouble breathing.
Well, two years ago, in November, Andreas was rushed to the hospital and ended up in E.R.
By the time he ended up in the hospital, he had already moved out of his house that was poisoning him with propane. But he still had to deal with the ramifications of the propane leak:
Namely, the propone infiltrated his lungs. And since propane gas is heavier than oxygen, it was literally drowning him.
Doctors in the E.R. weren't sure what was wrong with Andreas or why a former Olympian couldn’t breath.
Well, Andreas suspected the propane leak in his old house was the culprit, and he convinced his doctors to do a blood test. The blood test came back and confirmed Andreas had carbon monoxide poisoning.
His doctor gave him a grim outlook. He even told Andreas, “Andreas you’re dying right now, and we cannot do anything.”
They wanted to keep him in the hospital, but Andreas refused. (Remember, this happened in November 2020, so you can imagine what else was running rampant in the hospital.)
Well, Andreas left the hospital and immediately began using 5 Seed Oil Blend, which contains a blend of pumpkin seed oil, black sesame seed oil, flax seed oil, coriander seed oil, and sunflower seed oil.
While each of these seed oils unlock impressive health benefits on their own (and we’ll cover them in more detail in a future letter), they become completely different after pressing them into oils because Andreas, the brilliant mind that he is, decided to mix the seeds before pressing them.
Within a few months of taking 5 Seed Oil Blend, not only did Andreas’s health return, but he feels stronger than he ever has before.
So, what does 5 Seed Oil Blend do — and how did it return Andreas health from a carbon monoxide poisoning that left doctors thinking he wouldn't survive?
Well, one of the main benefits of 5 Seed Oil Blend is supplying oxygen to and removing toxicity from your cells. In other words, it works with your lymphatic system to restore your cell health, which, as you know, can help reverse even the most dire of health circumstances.
Another crucial benefit in Andreas’s carbon monoxide poisoning case: 5 Seed Oil Blend also helps with breathing. In fact, many 5 Seed Oil Blend customers who use portable oxygen have been able to dramatically reduce (or get off of entirely) their oxygen tank usage.
Besides these life-saving benefits, 5 Seed Oil Blend also gives you a bigger burst of energy than a cup of coffee and helps you function better on less sleep.
Best part?
These are only a few key benefits of 5 Seed Oil Blend. There are plenty of other benefits (which you can find on the product page).
Anyway, if you want to increase your oxygen into your cells, breath easier, and remove toxicity from your cells, you can try 5 Seed Oil Blend below:
Click here
Plus, many 5 Seed Oil Blend customers report that it’s delicious when sprinkled onto salads and other foods.
Product Info, Ingredients, instructions, Articles and Scientific Information Click Here
P.S. 5 Seed Oil Blend is just one of many seed oil products we added to our store from Andreas Seed Oils. Check out the full list of available seed oils here: Click here
P.P.S. Did you miss my podcast interview with Andreas Wecker? Tune into it - Click here.