I woke up one morning to see them spraying my front yard out of his truck as we went down the road. I tried to catch him but could not - he sprayed in the yard and the water that was in the street where people walk their dogs all day long. Because the county has not repaired the problem with the standing water in the street after many attempts - this rain water stays there for days and the last thing I want is for dogs to drink out of the water or people to walk thru it. I requested the SDS Sheet of what they are spraying and received the following email from her.
Good morning,
Thank you for calling Mosquito Management yesterday to discuss your concerns. I’ve compiled all of the information that we discussed in the following email.
- I looked your address up in our system and we were larviciding (treatment that kills mosquito larvae) in your area on 09/25. The chemical we utilized is called Aquabac XT. I’ve attached the SDS sheet. It is a liquid form of Bti (Bacillus thuringiensis) which is a naturally occurring bacterium found in soils.

aquabac_xt_sds.pdf |
They left out one D - DON'T SPRAY MY YARD
I never use any of their recommended repellents - haven't for 10 yrs
I either use this brand Organic Insect Repellent
or make my own with Citronella Organic Essential Oils
You can also spray straight Vinegar on yourself (The smell goes away)
This week I received an email from them stating I should use their recommended repellents because they have been proven to work not natural home remedies that have not been proven yet. SERIOUSLY? Now they want to tell me what I should use and that my research is not proven. Unbelievable..
Mosquito Management Services
Check this page for sprays scheduled for your area
Update: Mosquito Management will be utilizing CodeRED notification system to let residents know of any scheduled missions. Please register if you wish to receive notifications.
Detailed Spray Map
Sarasota County Mosquito Management Spray Zones
Follow the 5 D's:
- Dusk and Dawn – avoid being outdoors when mosquitoes are biting.
- Dress – wear clothing that covers most of your skin.
- Defend yourself use repellents.
- Repellents that contain Picaridin, DEET (N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide, or N,N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide).
- Oil of lemon eucalyptus, IR3535 and permethrin are some repellent options.
- Drainage – check around your home to rid the area of standing water, which is where mosquitoes can lay their eggs.
Spray CriteriaTreatments (spray missions) are scheduled only on an as-needed basis. The type of treatment, whether it be ground or aerial, is based upon what zones are being selected.
Several components contribute to missions which include adult population data, disease surveillance data, and service requests. If you have an issue with mosquitoes in your area, submit a Service Request today! Or if you have questions.
List of Approved Pesticides in Sarasota County
Check here for any violations and Disciplinary Actions by any Pesticide Sprayer in ALL Counties of Florida (thru June 2018)
Check in your area for the Mosquito Management in your County. This is for Sarasota County 2018.
I use this source all the time - when you pull up the document you can click Control F and search for any name of a pesticide they are using.
Pesticide Action Network International
PAN International List of Highly Hazardous Pesticides