Take a look at the info on this site and if you want to order call me or email me. I only have a limited supply for now so don't delay.
Bottle comes in 16 oz bottle and you only use 1 tablespoon per gallon of water and drink 4 oz two times day and gradually work your way up to more. The bottle lasts about 4 months. So it is a very economical way to get well and stay hydrated.
In addition to its ability to help maintain optimum hydration of the cells, Free-Mart Water contains a multitude of other health benefits due to many other positive properties that are energetically embedded into the water via laser.
Possible Benefits When Using Free-Mart Water
- Spritz it on the skin after a shower or bath
- Use the concentrate as eye drops to hydrate and bathe the eyes
- Spritz on the skin in cases of itching
- Spritz on minor to major burns (keep spritzing it on several times)
- Spritz on skin in case of sunburn (burns dehydrate the cells)
- Add it to other great products to get more use of them
- Spritzing on moles may help diminish them
- Some people spritz it in their eyes, ears and nose daily
- Some have experienced relief when applying it on hemorrhoids
- Some like to soak their feet in it for therapeutic and purification benefits
- Some use it on a bruises, scrapes, cuts or burns
If you want to order a bottle email me at [email protected] or call me (941) 840-1268
Free-Mart Water
If you want to order a bottle email me at [email protected] or call me (941) 840-1268
Free-Mart Water