Big Thanks to Cristina Maldonado who is an advocate for our beloved dogs and cats who are dying or ill due to cyanobacteria toxicity in the waters.
I have been following her and all dog and cat related illnesses due to this poisoning and wanted to share just a handful of these heartbreaking posts below. A Go Fund Me Page has been set up to help these pets and the link is at the bottom of this post.
Christina shares with us a video she shot today "Caution to All Pet Owners" that I have posted at the bottom of this post. She did it after I posted this earlier.
Please watch and share with anyone you know who has dogs and near the water.
This happens very quickly for dogs and cats and you must get them to the vet quickly. When animals are exposed to this toxin, they may experience vomiting or diarrhea itching, panting or many other signs. If the cyanobacteria exposure is severe, it can be lethal and cause liver failure in animals. So you must act quickly. When I started seeing all of these stories about our sea animals dying by the 100,000's and now our beloved pets my immediate reaction was if it’s effecting the animals you wonder what effect it has on kids, people? I know the answer....

Cristina Maldonado
Admin · September 2 at 8:47 AM
Since this post we have 3 more affected dogs. One did not make it, and two more are currently hospitalized.
In the last two weeks, there have been 3 cases presented to the Pet Emergency of Martin County of young healthy dogs who live near the river who have presented with sudden onset liver failure. The owners state the dogs were not swimming in the river, but just live on it and have constant exposure. One dog was known to have been rolling in a dead fish on the river bank. After intensive care, the first two dogs returned to normal, the third is improving as of this morning, but still hospitalized. We are working on making a definitive connection, but all signs point to the water and cyanobacteria toxicity. PLEASE BE AS CAREFUL AS YOU CAN WITH YOUR PETS!
Toxic algae suspected in acute liver failure that nearly killed two dogs in Martin County
Tyler Treadway, Treasure Coast Newspapers Published 2:41 p.m. ET Sept. 4, 2018
3 dogs with liver failure symptoms recently
Read story click below:
September 2
We have seen 3 dogs in the past week who live on the water and had potential contact with blue-green algae. Every dog presented for vomiting and weakness and all dogs were found to have significant liver damage, thrombocytopenia (low platelets), and a coagulopathy. All dogs are undergoing intensive treatment. While we do not have proof of blue-green algae being the culprit, we are seeing a pattern emerging and are researching the subject.
Please keep your dogs away from the water and dead fish while there are algae blooms occurring and contact us or your vet immediately if you note symptoms.
Pet owners are urged to use extra caution around cyanobacteria-laced waters. 2 dogs in Martin County were diagnosed with acute liver failure shortly after coming into contact with the St. Lucie River.

Finn Passed away from Liver Failure.
Prayers to his family.
The 5 other dogs that have also come down with being infected by #Cyanobacteria are expected to make a full recovery! Sadly it was too much for Finn. Prayers to his family!
September 6, 2018
“Hi, I am a local vet ,and will be answering questions for the family. Finn ingested some algae laden water. He went into liver failure as a result, and did not make it.”
“The affected dogs start with vomiting, some have had diarrhea. Within a short period of time, they are lethargic. If your dog does this, and you suspect any exposure with algae laden water, go to your vet immediately. Bloodwork must be done right away. If there are clotting abnormalites and high ALT liver enzymes, your dog must be treated right away.”

Today my darling golden’s got out of our yard and came in contact with our algae infected water on the north fork of the st lucie river. They are both in critical condition. Sammy coded and was revived. They are on an aggressive treatment protocol and we are praying hard that they will survive. They have multiple organ failure and Sammy has some internal bleeding. I am in shock and we are devastated. This river contamination is DEADLY and we need action by our government. Pray for my girls please.

My cat Nini went to the back yard , we live on the water. That night I rushed him into the emergency animal hospital. We had some test done and he got liver infection. I have a feel it's related to the toxic. Keep your animals inside!

Go Fund Me set up by Cristina Maldonado
Costa is one of three dogs in our area who have suffered sudden onset liver failure presumed to be due to living in proximity with the algal blooms. We are working on making a definitive connection, but all signs point to classic cases of cyanobacteria toxicity. The owners took proper precautions and did not let their dogs swim in the water, however there is no way to prevent aerosol exposure and dogs get their noses in everything. After intensive care, the first two dogs, Pandora and Stanley, are back home, but will need to continue to have their liver enzymes monitored indefinitely. Costa is still hospitalized. These families have already spent between $5000 and $7000 each, and the expenses will continue until their pets' liver values normalize. This means more laboratory tests and liver support medications. Any monies made in excess of these families' veterinary bills will be donated to Kansas State University Veterinary School for more research into cyanobacteria toxicity in dogs. Please consider donating to help these families and their beloved pets.
Since our last update, we have some devastating news. We have lost a dog to the algae.. Finn, a vibrant Standard Poodle. Our deepest condolences to the family.
We also have two more dogs affected as of this evening.
Pandora and Costa are improving. They are feeling stronger and their lab values are improving, but they are a long way from recovered.
Please help in any way you can.
Click Link Below and give if you can
Below is a video shot today by Cristina "CAUTION FOR ALL PET OWNERS
She posted on Facebook (which many of you are not on) so I made a video from hers so the quality is not as good as hers but you get the picture. Also this can be anywhere not just on a river.