#1 Best Joint Support Product and Top Seller
CellRenew is Like a Hearty Breakfast for Your Joints
Feed your joints the nutrition they crave.
CellRenew is Like a Hearty Breakfast for Your Joints
Feed your joints the nutrition they crave.
Cell Renew 2000mg Collagen Type II
CellRenew 2000 Collagen Type II is a full-spectrum joint support nutrient.
Best selling joint support product. $37.95
CellRenew 2000 Collagen Type II What is CellRenew?
CellRenew is a Hydrolyzed Collagen Type II dietary supplement developed for healthy joint support, and suggested through double-blind, clinical trials to be 89.9% effective. CellRenew contains very high concentrations of Hyaluronic Acid, a substance known for potent benefits to soft tissues and joint health. The benefits of Collagen Type II are supported by published scientific data.
Unlike other protocols for arthritis symptoms, whether prescription or natural, CellRenew is guaranteed for results. It is rare when you find a product – any product – with such a high success rate that the manufacturer will stand behind it with a money back guarantee. And since 1997, CellRenew has been worthy of this guarantee. It contains naturally occurring Hyaluronic Acid and Chondroitin Sulfate. The results of a human clinical trial using this material showed significant improvements in the reduction of joint swelling, tenderness, and pain, as well as successful increases in mobility.
Who is a Good Candidate for CellRenew?
Although studies have shown that many different conditions respond to Collagen Type II, the conditions that have shown the greatest response are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. If you have grown weary of traditional protocols that only cover-up symptoms and neglect to address the root cause, then you are an excellent candidate to begin a program of Collagen Type II. CellRenew is also used as a preventative measure for athletes who have overworked their joints and are looking for a way to maintain healthy joints prior to the onset of osteoarthritis.
Collagen Type II (CTII) has been suggested to offer significant benefits for some types of arthritis. The word ‘arthritis’ is Latin, from Greek ‘arthro’ (joint) and ‘itis’ (inflammation). This very broad definition covers a lot of ailments, but says nothing about the causes. The forms of arthritis that most of us are familiar with are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.Osteoarthritis is usually caused by over-use, abuse, and injury. It is by far the most common form of arthritis. It is known that merely the aging process, and so many years of gravity working on the weight-bearing joints, is a major contributor to this type of arthritis. Osteoarthritis is not considered an autoimmune disorder (like rheumatoid arthritis) in which the body attacks itself as it would a foreign invader.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the most well known of the autoimmune types of arthritis. In the case of RA, the collagen in the joints is attacked. Though many sufferers notice that the problem gradually gets worse over the years (as they would for osteoarthritis), many experience a sudden ‘flare-up’ after a particular illness, often times a viral infection.
Depending on the particular type of arthritis you experience, CTII goes to work in different ways. If you suffer from RA, CTII acts as an oral tolerization agent, instructing the body to stop the immune response to the collagen in the joints. This natural response is the way that our bodies remain relatively free from immune or allergic reactions to most of the foods we eat. If we did not have this ability, we would eventually starve.
For those suffering from osteoarthritis, CTII provides the critical building blocks that restore a healthy state to the cartilage in the joints. CellRenew is made from chicken sternal cartilage that contains the highest level of naturally occurring anti-inflammatory proteoglycans (Hyaluronic Acid and Chondroitin Sulfate A) of any other material tested, including shark cartilage. It is important to note that the combination of the proteoglycans and the Collagen Type II proteins not only protect the cartilage, but also provide the building blocks required to rebuild lost cartilage to restore the joint to a normal state.
Are There Any Side Effects?
No, unless you want to consider healthier nails, hair, and skin a side effect. CellRenew is water soluble and has never been indicated in any toxic buildup.
How Long Before I Improve?
Although some people have noticed an improvement with their symptoms after only a week or two of starting a CellRenew program, many take between 4 and 6 weeks. We urge you not to get impatient with your progress. A recent clinical trial reports an 89.9% response within 45 days. Remember that these are natural based, non-toxic, core nutritionals that are not designed to just cover up symptoms. Instead they are designed to correct a problem that has often been present and ignored for many years. In most cases it took many years to get to a state of particular complaint, and rarely are root causes improved on overnight.
With that said, however, we have noticed that some forms of arthritis symptoms tend to respond faster – on average – than other forms. For instance, we do know that rheumatoid arthritis sufferers have a tendency to respond faster, and curiously, people who have spinal discomforts notice improvement typically in less time than someone with discomfort in one of their weight bearing joints (knees, hips). We suspect this is more an issue of the weight bearing joints needing to develop a much greater degree of damage prior to showing symptoms than perhaps is required for a spinal condition.
The speed of your progress is also a function of your own responsibility to take control of your treatment. This means that you must commit to the healing process. Often times, we see people complain that they have not seen any progress after a couple of weeks, and when pressed for answers as to how they are following the program, they admit to forgetting to take the CellRenew half the time. Or they always take it after a big meal or a pot of coffee. Once your condition has stabilized after several weeks or months of improvement, and you want to settle into a ‘maintenance mode’, then you can get away with ‘forgetting’ to take it, or not taking it at the optimum time. But until then, please be disciplined. You will thank yourself later.
Can I Take it With My Current Medication?
Yes, but it is not recommended to take prescription medications at the same time as nutritional supplementation. Wait at least 20 minutes after taking CellRenew before taking any medication. This is not for concern of effecting the drug; CellRenew is quite safe with any interactions. The reason we ask that you wait to take anything else is to minimize the chance that CellRenew might bind with some other material and not get fully absorbed.
Pop Quiz Answer Sheet
Q: What is the most abundant protein in the human body?
A: Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body, responsible for providing structure to the connective tissue that includes bones, tendons, cartilage, organs, and skin. The word “Collagen” comes from the Greek word kólla, which means glue. Without it, you would be a puddle on the floor.
Q: Of the more than 20 types of Collagen in our bodies, what are the most common?
A: Collagen Types I, II, and III make up the greatest percentage of collagen proteins in our bodies.
Q: What type of Collagen is most important for healthy joint function?
A: Collagen Type II is the most vital type of collagen for healthy joints. It is very high concentration in the cartilage, which provides the slippery cushion on which the moving parts ride.
Every serving of CellRenew Hydrolyzed Collagen Type II includes 200 milligrams of Hyaluronic Acid.
Hyaluronic Acid is like a big sponge, able to hold 1,000 times its own weight in water.
Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is in high concentration in the joints as a major component of synovial fluid, helping increase the viscosity to increase lubrication and cushion.
Imagine what would happen if you ran your car’s engine out of oil. Then imagine the results when your joints lose their lubrication.
It is rare to discuss arthritis, without discussing the knees.This is because, as a weight-bearing joint, and due to the knee’s complicated structure, they are the most susceptible to wear, overuse, abuse and trauma due to an active lifestyle.
As such, the knees tend to be the “Poster Child” whenever the topic turns to arthritis symptoms. From there, it is simple to draw a conclusion; if something is designed to help the knees, then it will also benefit every other joint in your body, whether it is weight-bearing or not.
CellRenew… It’s like meeting your “Bends” best friend.
Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is in high concentration in the joints as a major component of synovial fluid, helping increase the viscosity to increase lubrication and cushion.
Imagine what would happen if you ran your car’s engine out of oil. Then imagine the results when your joints lose their lubrication.
It is rare to discuss arthritis, without discussing the knees.This is because, as a weight-bearing joint, and due to the knee’s complicated structure, they are the most susceptible to wear, overuse, abuse and trauma due to an active lifestyle.
As such, the knees tend to be the “Poster Child” whenever the topic turns to arthritis symptoms. From there, it is simple to draw a conclusion; if something is designed to help the knees, then it will also benefit every other joint in your body, whether it is weight-bearing or not.
CellRenew… It’s like meeting your “Bends” best friend.
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