All About Diet & Food to Prevent Cancer
Below is information from a Great Blog by Laura all about Alkaline Foods.....
There are many links to her site throughout the article so check out her blog when you get a chance...
Below are the main things you need to know about diet & foods to Prevent Cancer. For a Printable & Online List of Foods Click Here.
Alkaline Foods
Hello there! Since you're here, I'm guessing you've heard something about alkaline foods and an 'alkaline diet' and you'd like to know more.
Well, you've come to the right place, you'll find loads of useful information and guidance here.
Let me tell you straight off, the benefits of following a diet of predominantly alkaline based foods are huge! You'll achieve fantastic health and vitality, reach your optimum weight, stop getting niggling coughs, colds and allergies, skin complaints, afternoon fatigue and much much more! This sounds like a bold claim but it's absolutely true. Most health problems are a result of an overly acidic lifestyle, taking its toll on your body.
See this link for more reasons to eat foods that are alkaline.
So, what foods are are alkaline?
Well, you'll find an overview of high alkaline foods and what kinds of foods to choose to start alkalizing your body right away here.
As you might have guessed, the pictures on this page are all of alkaline based foods. Look how colourful they are! Compare that to the bland yellow/brown colour of junk foods such as chips, hamburgers, cakes, biscuits, fried foods etc. These unhealthy foods are acidic foods. Alkaline vegetables and other foods are sexy and you'll become super sexy when you eat more of them ;-)
Check out the the reasoning behind how foods are classed as being alkaline (due to alkaline minerals) and the debate about fruits - are fruits alkaline based foods?
If you're looking for an alkaline foods list then you're in luck - I've got convenient online and downloadable lists for you. I also explain the reasons behind why so many lists differ in what foods they class as alkaline and acidic.
Also, get some delicious alkaline diet recipes by downloading my 38-page FREE Alkaline Diet Recipes Book
Below is information from a Great Blog by Laura all about Alkaline Foods.....
There are many links to her site throughout the article so check out her blog when you get a chance...
Below are the main things you need to know about diet & foods to Prevent Cancer. For a Printable & Online List of Foods Click Here.
Alkaline Foods
Hello there! Since you're here, I'm guessing you've heard something about alkaline foods and an 'alkaline diet' and you'd like to know more.
Well, you've come to the right place, you'll find loads of useful information and guidance here.
Let me tell you straight off, the benefits of following a diet of predominantly alkaline based foods are huge! You'll achieve fantastic health and vitality, reach your optimum weight, stop getting niggling coughs, colds and allergies, skin complaints, afternoon fatigue and much much more! This sounds like a bold claim but it's absolutely true. Most health problems are a result of an overly acidic lifestyle, taking its toll on your body.
See this link for more reasons to eat foods that are alkaline.
So, what foods are are alkaline?
Well, you'll find an overview of high alkaline foods and what kinds of foods to choose to start alkalizing your body right away here.
As you might have guessed, the pictures on this page are all of alkaline based foods. Look how colourful they are! Compare that to the bland yellow/brown colour of junk foods such as chips, hamburgers, cakes, biscuits, fried foods etc. These unhealthy foods are acidic foods. Alkaline vegetables and other foods are sexy and you'll become super sexy when you eat more of them ;-)
Check out the the reasoning behind how foods are classed as being alkaline (due to alkaline minerals) and the debate about fruits - are fruits alkaline based foods?
If you're looking for an alkaline foods list then you're in luck - I've got convenient online and downloadable lists for you. I also explain the reasons behind why so many lists differ in what foods they class as alkaline and acidic.
Also, get some delicious alkaline diet recipes by downloading my 38-page FREE Alkaline Diet Recipes Book
So take your time, have a look around, download the alkaline and acidic foods lists and the recipe book and get excited that you've discovered the wonder of an alkaline diet - I'm going to help you get started and stay motivated...
Alkaline Diet Health Tips Home
High Alkaline Foods High alkaline foods are generally easy to select, being the common sense ‘good’ dietary choices such as:
- Fresh, raw vegetables
- Healthy essential oils (unheated)
- Salads
- Pure water
- Herbal teas
- Supplements such as wheatgrass and green drinks
See my Alkaline Foods List for a comprehensive list of alkaline foods.
Fruits, nuts and oils
Discrepancies arise with things such as fruits, nuts and oils. Dr Robert Young (leading alkaline diet researcher and author) advises against all fruits, except for a few unsweet ones, such as avocados, tomatoes, lemons, limes and grapefruits. Other researchers say that other fruits are also high alkaline foods.
For example, Dr Susan Brown and Larry Trivieri in their book ‘The Acid Alkaline Food Guide’ classify oranges, blueberries, apricots, melons, mangoes and cherries as being alkaline based foods.
The thing to remember with most fruits is that although they contain a lot of nutrients, they also contain a lot of sugar. Nutrients and minerals need to outweigh acid sugars in order to be alkaline.
Fruits are not innately bad but in our Western society we tend to consume so many refined carbohydrates and sugars that most people have yeast infections of some sort. The fruit acid sugars feed this yeast and fungus and produce microtoxins that have a pretty negative effect on the body.
Hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, brazil nuts and pumpkin seeds are also debatable foods.
The acidity or alkalinity of oils and fats largely depends on the quality of the oil and how it is processed. For example, cold pressed virgin olive oil is classed as alkaline but heated olive oil (which can become a very unhealthy hydrogenated fat or trans fat when used in cooking) is acidic.
Alkaline Diet Health Tip: Coconut oil is excellent, even though a saturated fat, as it does not hydrogenate when used in cooking.
I have produced an Alkaline Foods List which is not definitive but details the general consensus and common sense high alkaline foods.
Also, get some delicious alkaline food recipes by downloading my 38-page FREE Alkaline Diet Recipes Book
Top of 'High Alkaline Foods'
Alkaline Diet Health Tips Home
Quite simply, eating too many acidic foods is not great for your health.
It is a well-researched medical fact that all diseases thrive in environments characterized by high levels of acidity. If we want to lead a healthy life, it is imperative for us limit our intake of acidic foods. Ignoring this comes at a high price…
Foods high in acid may cause diseases like obesity, osteoporosis, flu, skin disorders, and even cancer. Excessive consumption can also result in a weakened immune system, cramps, allergies, spasms, headaches, poor concentration and digestion, increased effects of aging, joint and muscle pains and fatigue. Too, insomnia, rheumatoid arthritis, stomach ulcers, water retention, and constipation all can come as a result of eating acidic foods and not eating enough alkaline foods such as green vegetables.
What foods are classed as acidic foods?
Here's a brief list... Avoid this!
- Fried foods
- Dairy
- Meat
- Tinned
- Sugary
- Starchy/glutenous
- Alcohol, caffeine and fizzy drinks
- Some fruits
- Additives, colourings, artificial sweeteners, flavourings etc
Alkaline Diet Health Tip: For a comprehensive explanation on how alkaline and acidic foods are determined and a printable acid alkaline diet foods list, read this page.
Acid foods can pose a threat to our health, but also the huge prevalence of these foods makes it worse! These foods are everywhere - almost always splattered on our daily menus: from breakfast staples like white bread, eggs, cheese, milk, coffee to main courses like pasta, beef, pork, chicken, turkey, to light meals and snacks composed of chocolates and peanuts, beer and soft drinks… Foods that are rich in phosphorus, sulphur, and chlorine are not spared from the list since these elements are acid-forming.
So how do we steer clear of acidic foods? While it may seem impossible to escape these usual suspects, there is still a way to counteract their harmful effects on our health. A more alkaline diet, designed to neutralize the outcomes of acidic food ingestion through consumption of alkaline-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, and other low-sugar foods, is a viable option. The alkaline diet is commonly employed (and enjoyed!) to achieve balance between the body’s acidity and alkalinity and can be just as tasty and easy to go with on a daily basis as an acidic diet, with a bit of careful forethought and preparation and an enhanced mindset.
See here for some tools to help you on your journey into alkaline health
According to Robert Young, who is a prime promoter of alkaline diet and alternative medicine, it is ideal for the body to have a diet that constitutes an intake of 70-80% alkaline foods and 20-30% acid foods.
So it all boils down to moderation. Acidic foods are not down-the-drain destructive to our wellbeing. In fact, they are an integral part of the balance Young is pointing out. It is even said that a little amount of acid—the right type—can help lower our blood glucose levels. Acetic acid, which is the chief acid in vinegar, can significantly reduce the glycemic index of a starchy meal.
Albert Szent-Gyogyi, Nobel Laureate and the discoverer of Vitamin C, once noted,“The body is alkaline by design, but acidic by function.” He was referring to the fact that each minute of each day, the body’s metabolic processes produce enormous quantities of acid even though, in order to do their jobs properly, the cells and tissues require a slightly alkaline environment.
Join thousands of other happy alkaline dieters!
Download my 38-page FREE Alkaline Diet Recipes Book and the alkaline diet vitality training videos.
If you're looking to really get into a more alkaline lifestyle and want a very comprehensive alkaline diet plan that is both simple to follow and is enjoyable, with lots of great recipes and smoothies, check out my acclaimed Alkaline Diet Vitality Course. It has 3 great recipe books, a superfoods report, a 10-week transformation step-by-step guide, a quickstart guide and audio book, an exercise plan to suit your level and some great free bonuses! Click here.
Click here to see my Alkaline Diet Plan Product Review Page Minerals in Alkaline Based Foods Alkaline based foods leave behind an ‘alkaline ash’ residue in the body, once they have been eaten and digested. This alkaline ash is dependent upon the mineral content of the food.
The minerals potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, copper, zinc, iron and silver are all alkaline and so generally, foods containing these are classed as being alkaline.
In contrast, the minerals sulphur, chlorine, phosphorus, fluoride, silicon and iodine are acidic and therefore foods containing these have an acidic effect on the body when consumed.
See my Alkaline Foods List for a comprehensive guide to alkaline foods.
Are Fruits Alkaline Foods?
It is important to make a note of the following important point, however, relating to fruits:
Many fruits contain alkaline minerals but are not actually classed as being alkaline foods. This is because the ‘good’ effects of the alkaline minerals are outweighed by the ‘bad’ acidifying effects of the high sugar content of the fruit. For example, think of how sweet a pineapple is: The large amount of sugar (even though it's naturally occuring) means that pineapples are acidic foods.
Fruits are not as acidifying as processed foods or meat and dairy products because they still contain a high water content and alkaline minerals, but they do need to be eaten sparingly and viewed as moderately acidic foods because of their sugar content.
The only truly alkaline fruits are avocadoes, tomatoes (kind of like vegetables anyway aren’t they), lemons, limes and grapefruits.
Top of 'Minerals in Alkaline Based Foods'
Alkaline Foods List
Alkaline Diet Health Tips Home
Alkaline Foods List …why are there differences between one list of alkaline foods and another?!
If you have done any reading around the subject of an alkaline diet before then you will know that there is no single, definitive alkaline foods list. There are many alkaline food lists and many disagreements about which foods are classed as alkaline...which is not very helpful to us!
Dr Robert Young in ‘The pH Miracle’, for example, states that fruits such as grapefruits, lemons, limes, avocadoes and tomatoes are acidic, whereas Theodore A Baroody in ‘Alkalize or Die’ lists many fruits such as limes as being acidic. How can this be? Who is right?
The bottom line is that there are discrepancies between alkaline food lists- what is classed as alkaline or acid, ‘good’ or ‘bad’ becasue it depends on how you define alkaline and acidic foods. But hey, that’s ok – most of the practicalitites come down to common sense and are quite easy to follow.
To really simplify it, it's mostly common sense good foods that are alkaline (vegetables for example) and common sense bad foods that are acidic (chocoate, crips, alcohol for example), not really any surprises hey ;-)
I have spent a fair bit of time reading and researching the leading alkaline health books and now bring you the Alkaline Diet Health Tips Alkaline Foods List...well there's actually 5 lists but I promise you, they all state the same foods as being alkaline, they're just in different formats to suit your needs:
Select Alkaline Foods List:
Online list of alkaline foods
Printable PDF alkaline food list
List of alkaline food everyday essentials
Online acid alkaline food chart
(includes acidic foods)
Printable PDF acid alkaline food list
(includes acidic foods)
Also, get some delicious alkaline food recipes by downloading my 36-page alkalizing foods FREE Alkaline Diet Recipes eBook
Alkaline Diet Health Tips Home
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